The Value Crisis

"Such rich and sensible ideas with such clear exposition!"

- Mark W., Orangeville

Speaking to General Interest Groups

The incredible diversity of Andrew Welch's pursuits means that he is bound to have a few anecdotes in his backpocket that will resonate with any audience.  He has worked as a professional facilitator, IT systems analyst, theatre director, designer, actor, handyman, experiential educator, disaster management responder, award-winning town crier, medical laboratory consultant, and mountain climber, to name a few of his vocations.

Andrew injects a great deal of energy and humour into his presentations, and is noted for his ability to comfortably communicate technical concepts as well.  As a result of his unique background, his presentations are always engaging, informative, and entertaining.

Please contact us to request a booking.

Sample Topic:

Redefining Success in an Age of Numbers

Audience:  General Interest

For most of us, numbers and math are to be both feared and revered.  We bestow god-like powers on the objectivity and rationality of numbers, and use them to define success in almost every aspect of our lives, our communities, and our world.  However, we are slowly beginning to realize that the precedence society gives to number-based values could well be responsible for some of the biggest challenges facing the planet.

In this fascinating talk, author Andrew Welch identifies the one core assumption we make that underpins our new world and threatens our very survival as a species.  Hear his unique take on the triggers of climate change, economic collapse, and energy crises, and prepare to have some personal value assumptions challenged.  Better yet, envision the possibility of living beyond the numbers and getting immeasurably more out of life!


Aanimad Press
ISBN 978-0-9879105-0-9

Copyright © 2016-23 Andrew Welch