Speaking to Youth While older generations are typically the most interested in the message of The Value Crisis, it is the younger generations who most need to grasp it. Speaking to youth is thus a high priority for author Andrew Welch, and he eagerly seeks out such opportunities. His casual communication style works well with younger audiences, expecially given his extensive theatre resumé. Indeed, he recently spent two summers as the Director of Theatre Orangeville's Young Company - an intensive experience for 12-16-year-olds, culuminating in the production of a professional quality theatrical production. Please contact us to request a booking. Sample Topic: Recognizing the Dead End Limit of NumbersAudience: Youth There’s no question that the pace of change is accelerating. Children now in the first half of their schooling are being taught by educators who can only guess at what kind of world their students will be graduating into. There’s also a common notion that today’s industry leaders and decision-makers are leaving a huge planetary mess for the next generation to contend with. Climate change, economic melt-down, energy crisis – they are all looming on the horizon. How do you prepare for any of this? Visionary author Andrew Welch believes that the first step is understanding the value system that got us here in the first place – and his proposal of what that is will likely surprise you. Believe it or not, in our miraculous age of technology, the simple concept of numbers can actually exert a profoundly destructive influence when used to measure value and define success. It’s not always intuitive, but once you know what to look for, it’s remarkably easy to adopt a fresh perspective on your present and future happiness, and how to achieve it. |
Aanimad Press
ISBN 978-0-9879105-0-9
Copyright © 2016-23 Andrew Welch