The Value Crisis

“A dynamic, engaging and
high-energy presentation.”

- Seniors College Association of Nova Scotia

“I just wanted to say how much
I enjoyed Mr. Welch's topic.
It sure makes one think
of alternatives to math.
The high point was his ability
to give examples so we, at our
level could understand a point.”

- Bob A., Transition Bay St. Margarets

Podcast Playlist

In addition to his frequent speaking engagements, you can now listen to some of Andrew Welch's ideas online in these podcasts.  His favourite podcast ("The Sill") sadly shutdown after 229 monthly episodes, with over 116,000 downloads and counting.  The first three episodes listed below each rank in the top 10 most listened to Sill Podcasts of all time!

Also, be sure to check out his list of video presentations!

bullet "Radical Ideas - A New Dawning" - May 2021 (43:49)

The third in the exciting three-part series by The Sill Podcast, introducing Andrew Welch's long-awaited sequel to The Value Crisis.

How do we make all that we've talked about actually happen?  You'll be amazed to hear what's proposed - and even more astounded to know that these concepts have been tried before (and they worked!)

Teaser: We're going below zero...

bullet "Gift Economies" - April 2021 (41:39)

The second in a three-part series by The Sill Podcast, introducing Andrew Welch's long-awaited sequel to The Value Crisis.

An exploration of gifts, gift economies, corporations, and introducing a new concept: Qualitative Economies.

Here's how hosts Peter Noce and Harry Posner describe the episode:

In part 2 of a 3 part interview, Andrew returns to uncover the true meaning of a ‘Gift Economy’ and its practical applications to our society. Surprisingly, a society based on a qualitative gift economy, may be the critical next step in our evolution.

bullet "Guaranteed Basic Income" - April 2021 (52:02)

The first in a three-part series by The Sill Podcast, introducing Andrew Welch's long-awaited sequel to The Value Crisis.

Andrew shares his thoughts on how a Basic Income (GBI or UBI) is the best first step to change course and solve the value crisis.

Here's how hosts Peter Noce and Harry Posner describe the episode:

In part 1 of a 3 part interview, we revisit Andrew’s his first book, The Value Crisis, and explore the soon to be published sequel – Our Second Chance, focusing on universal basic income (UBI), as one example how of a shift in our value system can produce a profound change in the way our society operates.

bullet "What is a Life Worth?" - April 2020 (1:05:21)

An episode of The Sill Podcast, recorded a month into the CoViD-19 pandemic.

Andrew Welch is featured around 0:29:00, contrasting the Canadian government's economic impact response to the way that the Canadian Red Cross responds to huge disasters.

Here's how hosts Peter Noce and Harry Posner describe the episode:

At the time of this podcast, the number of global COVID-19 cases had eclipsed the 1,000,000 mark with over 50,000 deaths.  We were confronting an unparalleled firestorm of ethical and moral dilemmas, in the face of mushrooming economic turmoil.  Over 3 days, and from a distance, these issues and more, inform a time-lapse dialogue.

bullet "The Value Crisis" - July 2017 (26:31)

One of the earliest episodes of The Sill Podcast, which was devoted to The Value Crisis.

This half-hour podcast, hosted by Peter Noce and Harry Posner, is perhaps the best introduction that you will find anywhere to the basic thesis of Andrew Welch's writing and research.   Not to be missed!


Aanimad Press
ISBN 978-0-9879105-0-9

Copyright © 2017-24 Andrew Welch